Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Examen y project de stupido...


I have soo much work due in the next few days...
Today (Wed.) I have a group presentation on how immigrants affect the Spanish healthcare system. I´ve been working on it for a about 2 weeks now. It´s so stupid because we were supposed to finish most of our work on the leadership healthcare course before we left for Spain. That was the whole point of having 7 days of classes in Boston before Spain! Sorry, I´m ranting a bit. I´m just fustrated because we are also responsible for the work we have do to in our grammatical, conversational, and medical spanishes classes here. We got homework sometimes, but now the big assignments for those classes are studying for our exams Friday. In grammatical Spanish, we have a written exam that has 2 parts. In conversational-medical Spanish, we are going to have a 5 minute role play conversation. My friend Sarah and I are going to be partners. One of us is going to be the doctor and the other will be the patient. Haven´t started preparing for any of my Spanish exams because of the damn project due today that we have to present for 20 minutes each group. Can´t wait to sit in a classroom for 3 hours this evening listening to everyone´s projects.

I will not be going out tonight...

Luckily, in Seville we don´t have any classes or homework!! Can´t wait until Saturday! The weather is going to be in the low to mid 90s the whole time in Seville. YAY!

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